New music releases
South Africa have some of the most talented producers. We even have our own genre that was developed in South Africa called Twilight.This page is...

Festival After Movies
Relive one of the festivals you attended or sooth the FOMO from missing a festival. This page is to host a collection of Festival After Movies...

OneLove Productions
Onelove is a production and rental company. We throw techno and psychedelic events/festivals and als

Psychedelic Music Production
This group is for everyone involved or looking to get involved in music production. This is not about what DAW you use, but more focused on...
Daniel Voulelis is friends with Killer Ben

Lysergic Babble
A Forest and Darkpsy DJ/Producer from a Galaxy so beyond infinity not even Buzz Lightyear could find it, crash landed in Cape Town, South Africa...
louise Pretorius is friends with Daniel Voulelis
Vincent is friends with Daniel Voulelis
Sebastien is friends with Daniel Voulelis